Friday 7 March 2014

The Mummy Tag

1.Are you a Stay at Home Mum, or a Working Mum?
A Stay at Home Mum
2. Would you have it any other way?
No way- my whole life has led up to this point!
3. Do you co-sleep?
No, I was scared of suffocation and of never getting Boo to settle in her own cot/bed!
4. What is your one must-have item for your baby?
Without doubt our AngelCare Sound and Movement monitor! Boo has just moved to a big bed and we've stopped using the sensor pad- which was a massive wrench as I just felt reassured having it on, knowing that she was ok. I would not have slept a wink in the last 2 years without it!
5. How many kids do you plan on having?
Two! I used to want four and hubby wanted a football team, but since having Boo and seeing how hard it really is we are happy to just have the one more!

6. Date nights? How many do you have per month?

We used to do one a week, but hubby has had a busy time at work and it's hard to find the energy in the evenings!
Chilling watching 'Alice in Wonderland'

7. Your child’s favourite show?

She loves a massive variety of TV and films! We mainly watch Disney DVDs- which is ace! The last 5 things we watched were- Peter Pan, SpongeBob, Toy Story, Princess Sofia, Monsters Inc.

8. Name one thing you bought before you had the baby and never ended up using?

We had 2 high chairs that were barely used because Boo was always in the Bumbo, and I loathed cleaning the damn things! Before getting a Stokke Tripp Trapp, which I sold to DaddyBear by saying it was a 'Toddler Chair' haha, sucker!

Enjoying said cake!
9. Your child’s favourite food?
Strawberries, toast, Quorn chicken, cheese, chips, scrambled egg, cake, biscuits, 'baby' weetabix, Pom Bears!

10. How many cars does your family have?

One, would love to have two but we don't really need another one and can definitely not afford one right now! DaddyBear has it most days; I have it once or twice a week.

11. Weight gain, before pregnancy, during, after and now?

I lost weight in the first 5 months of pregnancy due to sickness, but then gained 2 1/2 stone in the next 4 months! It took me a year and a bit to lose it all, and I'm aiming to lose another stone and a half before we start trying for another baby next year.

12. Dream holiday with your kids?

DaddyBear and I hanging with our besties!
Disney World Florida! We went every year when we were kids and I would LOVE to do the same with mine! We adore Disney and Florida is amazing! We went in 2011 with all my family, as a recreation of what we used to do, and I got pregnant shortly after! We are taking Boo to Disneyland Paris this September and I cannot wait to see her little face!!! She loves Disney as much as we do already! We're also taking her to Disney On Ice in a couple of weeks which she is going to go crazy for!
DaddyBear and I in Auckland 7 years ago

13.Dream holiday without your kids?

Can't imagine going anywhere without Boo for a long long time! But when DaddyBear is retired and Boo is grown up and bored of us (sob!) I would love to...I don't know, just do more of the same really! We did a lot of travelling before we had Boo and I just envisage us doing more- exploring new places and just going where the mood takes us! I want to see the Northern Lights, but we have to do that with Boo (and take her to see Santa in Lapland! that's another for the 'dream holiday with kids' list!) 
14. How has your life changed since having kids?
DaddyBear and I used to do stuff together and I'd always say 'we could have a baby with us here right now'. Obviously a baby makes things much harder to do- you need to time activities around their nap and feeding times, get them ready to leave, change them again 'cause they've just pooed all over themselves, etc. But I used to feel like I had something missing, like I was just waiting, wasting my time until I had a child. Now I do have a child, it's exhausting and difficult, but I have adapted and things are much easier now I know Boo properly and she can communicate her feelings; now I feel complete.
Sweatshirt- Cath Kidston,
Tutu- Vertbaudet,
Tights- Mothercare
15. Where do you shop for your kids?
Vertbaudet, Mothercare, Debenhams, Cath Kidston, Monsoon, Tesco, Gap, H&M... I love shopping for her more than shopping for myself!
16. Favourite make-up and skincare products?
I only wear make-up on very special occassions, but like No.7 stuff, particularly their fabulous Intelligent Colour Foundation! I use Simple face wash and moisturiser. 
17. Huggies or Pampers?
Boo is potty trained now but we use Pampers Baby Dry at night and have Huggies Pull Ups on stand by for long car journeys. We used Beaming Baby nappies before she was potty trained- they are fab! 
18. Have you always wanted kids?
Yes! I was desperate to accidentally fall pregnant from 16 (thank goodness I didn't!) but I wanted to settle down, have a house and be married before I wanted to start trying.
19. Best part of being a mum?
Making my Boo happy. I make sure we have a full week; Monday is singing and playdate, Tuesday is Toddler Group, Wednesday is playdate with NCT friends, Thursday my Mum comes to dote on her, and Friday she has Pre-School for 2hrs in the morning. I just love seeing her enjoying her life so much, and being able to give her these experiences that she loves so much, makes me feel like I'm doing an OK job! 

Thanks to @BecomingaSAHM for nominating me for this post! I shall nominate the following lovely Mummies (apologies if you've already done it!)


  1. Morning! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award after I received a very kind nomination from TheLsMum yesterday. I know you've already answered a thousand questions but I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy reading your Blog :)

  2. Sorry I should add, your nomination is on my site
