Saturday 30 August 2014

Gender Reveal!

So we had our anomaly scan for Bean yesterday.

It was a total nightmare getting to the hospital- stuck behind slow drivers, hubs came out of work late and then there were bloody roadworks all down the front of the hospital! So I jumped out of the car and checked in while hubs took the diversion and hunted for somewhere to park. 

I don't know why I panicked- they're always running late and this was no different. 45 minutes later we we're seen by a student sonographer who was very particular about what she wanted to see and was extremely thorough so we had to wait ages to find out the sex. 

She checked the head, the brain, the spine, the legs, the kidneys, the cord. All of which were fine! Then we had to go out and jiggle Bean around as he/she was lying in an awkward position.

We went back in and she checked the heart- for ages- then the waist and the face. All of which were perfect!
She put it on a different setting for the face and it was really clear- almost like a 3D scan! I don't remember them doing that for Boo but I was so pleased they did it for Bean! We could see a beautiful pair of chubby cheeks, a nose just like Boo's and a little hand being used as a pillow- just like Boo had looked when we had her 3D scan! Gorgeous!

Then she finally moved to the 'bits' and said she thought it was a... GIRL! Just as I suspected! Especially after seeing that pretty little face! 

She fannied around a bit more and her supervisor came in to check her pics. Then she went to take a pic of Bean's 'bits' and seemed to change her mind- so she went to get her supervisor again who came to re-check, but she confirmed that they are lady bits- they were just a bit swollen, bless her! 
So Boo's having a lil sister!! 

We went to the shop and bought a pink teddy- I'd told Boo that if it was a boy she'd get a blue teddy and if it was a girl she'd get a pink one. 

We took it home and I hid it under my dress for her to take as a present from the baby- she was thrilled (you can see a vid on my Instagram!) and has been talking to her baby sister and about what they'll do together. She took her teddy to bed and this morning came in with her and her old teddy and said 'this is baby and this is me' and made them hug and kiss- so so adorable! 

I cannot wait now for Bean to arrive!!! We have a 3D scan booked in for 10 weeks time and we're going to take Boo with us. I can't wait to see her little face when she sees her sister! 

Feeling so lucky and blessed.

Thanks for reading,

MummyBear X


  1. AMAZING news! Huge congrats - such a lovely point to have had the scans and to know all is well and you are on the home run. Another girl, wonderful xxx

  2. Congratulations! So exciting for Bean to have a little sister xx

  3. Somehow missed this post before, but yay and congratulations! V glad to hear all is going well and another little girly, yay :) just lvoely xx
